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Call For Proposals!

Published on 8/16/2017

The 2018 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health Program Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal for consideration. The International Congress theme “Collaboration in Action: Advancing Integrative Health through Research, Education, Clinical Practice and Policy,” reflects both the collaborative nature of the field and the scope of the scientific program.

The International Congress invites innovative and interactive programs targeted toward clinicians, researchers, educators, and policy makers. Clinicians, investigators, and other professionals, including fellows, students and trainees in all areas of integrative health and medicine-related disciplines are encouraged to submit abstracts of original work for presentation at the Congress.

Abstracts are being accepted for the following types of sessions:

  • Pre-Congress Workshop
  • Panel Discussion
  • Symposium
  • Experiential Workshop
  • Research Abstract (oral or poster presentation)
  • Non-Research Abstract (oral or poster presentation)

Topics include, but are not limited to:


  • State of the science/evidence base for integrative modalities
  •  Clinical skills-building
  •  Integrative medicine delivery models
  •  Best case series
  •  Clinical skills-building


  • Curriculum design and development
  •  Interprofessional education
  • Teaching, learning, and assessment
  • Faculty development/leadership


  • Clinical Research
    • Mind-body (including meditation and yoga)
    • Manual medicine/body work (including chiropractic and massage)
    • Whole systems and acupuncture (including TCM and Ayurveda)
    • Natural products/botanicals/supplements
  •   Basic Science
  •   Research Methodology
  •  Education Research

Policy – Including Research that Informs Policy

  • Health Services Research/Cost Effectiveness
  •  Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
  • Integrative Health and the Underserved